Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Have been trying to dirty my hands with the much debated and hyped AJAX BUZZ.
Tried some cool stuff, part of my work is posted aside : Look for "What in Free Time??" Space aside.

Well from the web GUI perspective i think it is quite a revolution compared to just two years ago when you would have to juggle around with the code for getting simple creativity to flourish.
I would not even dare to dirty my hands with HTML, DHTML to provide some fancy web page.
Looks these new frameworks would ease the short tempered's head.
I have always believed that the technology should aim not only to provide convenience for end users, but also for developers. AJAX/WEB 2.0 is a win win in this case, thanks to the frameworks available on time.

There's still a lot of milestones that these frameworks need to surpass so that it does not die early. One problem i foresee is the spec driven approach so that any framework is easily adopted and interoperable. What if DWR dies some day?? Entire project will have to be Scrapped?? Also specs provide a common platform for the developers, it need not specialize in one particular framework. One developer..any framework...

My Best Regards for the AJAX Builders....
BTW thanks to Blogger team for provisioning me to post such small html scripts, i tried it on Wordpress but could not get. Thanks a LOT!!!